What is the MMPI - Multiphasic Personality Inventory?

The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory is the most widely used adult psychopathology and personality test in the world. Various mental health professionals and psychologists use the MMPI inventory to make a differential diagnosis, formulate a treatment plan or select the right person for the job in personnel selection.

Forensic psychologists administer the MMPI to people who have committed a crime or are suspected of having committed a crime within the framework of legal procedure.

It has a feature that can reveal the personality traits of the applied individual using objective and scientific criteria. It is a paper and pencil test. It can be applied individually and as a group. It is applied to individuals over 16 years of age with at least secondary education level. There is no time limit. It can be applied in 1.5-2 hours.

The inventory has 566 items, 10 clinical and 3 validity subtests, which aim to measure health, psychosomatic symptoms, motor disorders, sexual, religious, political and social attitudes, educational, family and marital problems, and various neurotic and psychotic tendencies. It is self-reported as “true” or “false”.

What is the MMPI Personality test used for other than diagnosing a disease?

  • The MMPI Multiphasic Personality Inventory is not just a test to measure the presence of illness or psychological problems.
  • In addition to determining whether the person has psychological problems in the test applied, it can determine what kind of person the person is in general, and it can also reveal the normal personality traits of the person applied.
  • In this context, it can also be used to determine whether couples who are thinking of getting married are suitable for each other in terms of personality or to determine job suitability in recruitment.
  • The MMPI is a personality test and measurement tool designed to help assess a wide range of disorders, but it is also effective in measuring personality traits.

For what purpose is the MMPI Personality test administered in the workplace?

  • The MMPI personality test is one of the most reliable tests for recruitment;
  • The MMPI test is also used by large companies when recruiting new employees or to assess the suitability of existing employees and to identify areas for development.
  • The personality test can also be used to determine the areas in which the personnel will be productive, to ensure the motivation of the personnel, to guide the personnel, to recognize their interests, to identify their weaknesses, and to identify the need for training.

WISC-IV consists of subtests of 4 mental skills clusters: verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory and processing speed. The estimated duration of application varies between 90 and 120 minutes, depending on the child’s work rate.

Children who will take the WISC-IV test need to do some things before the test. These include listening, being full and getting a good night’s sleep. Clothes that will be comfortable on the test day should be preferred. It is important to avoid words and behaviors that make the child anxious.

It is better not to give the child any information about the test. It is not necessary to give the child any information about the test beforehand. Because the psychologist gives the child the most accurate information.


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