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Why Choose Us?

Expertise and Experience

Cüneyt Muammer Özcan is a specialist in the field of child and adolescent psychiatry and has a deep knowledge of the psychological health problems of children and adolescents with many years of experience.

Multimodel Method

We consider emotional, mental, physiological, physiological, social, academic development areas and the impact of family and social environment as a whole, and support the process with family and educator interviews and innovative therapy techniques.

Individualized Plan

We provide a more effective treatment process by offering customized treatment methods according to the age, developmental characteristics and psychological conditions of each child and young person.

Innovative Methods

With innovative methods such as virtual reality and SAS, we make it possible to offer a personalized and effective treatment process that is tailored to the needs of each child and young person.

Psychological Problems in Children and Adolescents

The challenges of modern life can cause various psychological problems in children and young people. Our team of experts is here for your children to help them overcome these problems. Here are
common situations:

Disorders in Children

Irregular sleep can negatively affect children’s development. By understanding the underlying causes of this condition, we promote healthy sleep habits.

Obsessive thoughts in young people (OCD)

In young people, intense anxiety and recurrent thoughts can make everyday life difficult. We help them manage these thoughts through therapy.

Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in Children

ADHD can lead to difficulties in learning and social relationships. We provide the necessary support for your child to discover their potential.

Examination Anxiety in Young People

The pressure to succeed can increase test anxiety in young people. We help students feel more confident with stress management techniques.

Psychodiet Services

Psychodiet practice helps eating disorders such as emotional eating, anorexia, buimia, the process of maintaining the balance of weight gain and loss, and body perception to reach a psychologically and physiologically healthy point.

Behavioral Disorders in Children

Stubbornness, outbursts of anger or disobeying rules can affect your child’s social adjustment
. We help them overcome these problems with the right approach and therapy.

Depression and Hopelessness in Youth

Emotional fluctuations during adolescence can sometimes be a precursor to depression. We support young people to understand their feelings and gain a positive perspective.

Separation Anxiety in Children

Fear of separation from parents can affect everyday life, such as school. Our experts support your child to overcome this anxiety.

Our Office

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Çocuğumun psikolojik sorunları tedavi edilebilir mi?

Birçok psikolojik sorun tedavi edilebilir. Doğru tanı, yaklaşım, terapi ve ihtiyaç halinde medikal destek ile tedavi mümkündür.

Çocuk ve ergenler için psikiyatrik tedavi / psikoterapi ne zaman gereklidir?

Çocuk ya da ergen en az 1 aydır günlük yaşantısını etkileyecek düzeyde duygusal, davranışsal, sosyal ya da açıklanamayan fizyolojik zorluklar yaşıyorsa psikolojik destek önceliklidir.

Tedavi süreci nasıl işler?

Psikolojik durumu anlayabilmek adına psikiyatrist tarafından; bakım verenlerden bilgi alma, klinik gözlem yapılması önceliklidir. Doğru tanı oluşturulduktan sonra ile tedavi planı oluşturulur. Psikolog terapi seanslarını, çocuğun/gencin içerisinde bulunduğu duruma göre farklı teknikler ile destekleyebilir.

Psikiyatrik tedavide ilaç kullanımı gerekli midir?

Psikiyatrik tedavide ilaç kullanımı her zaman gerekli değildir. Ancak çocuğun/gencin içerisinde bulunduğu duruma göre ilaç kullanımı psikoterapi sürecin daha etkili kılabilir.

Ailenin bu süreçte ne gibi bir rolü vardır?

Ailenin süreçte psikiyatrist / psikolog ile iş birliği içerisinde bulunması tedavi sürecinde olumlu etki oluşturmaktadır. Zaman zaman evde yapılacak uygulamalar ve aktiviteler ile deneyimler güçlendirilebilir.

Meet our Founder

After graduating from the Faculty of Medicine, Cüneyt Muammer Özcan worked as a physician and administrator in different cities. He received his specialty training in child and adolescent psychiatry in Germany. Mr. Cüneyt Muammer received psychotherapy training during his specialization in Germany and is also an internationally accredited psychotherapist. He works with psychotherapy methods such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Schema Therapy, Cognitive Awareness Therapy (Mindfulness). By adopting the multimodel method, she sees clients with a holistic approach that provides child-family-social environment and medication support when needed.

Our Team

Zeynep Arslan

Clinical Psychologist and Dietitian

Bilal Arpacioglu

Clinical Psychologist

Melisa Yelluz

Clinical Psychologist

Deniz Asya Bilir

Clinical Psychologist

Rümeysa Rana Shah


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Esentepe Mah. Okul Cd. No:6, 16170 Nilüfer/Bursa